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发布日期:2015-10-10 作者: 来源: 点击:





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1.主持国家自然科学基金面上项目,田鼠对嗅觉信息的识别和记忆及其神经生物学机制,2003.1.1-2005.12.31, 30200026

2.主持国家自然科学基金面上项目,不同婚配制度田鼠社会行为发育形成的行为神经内分泌机制,2007.1.1-2009.12.31, 30670273

3.主持国家自然科学基金面上项目,基因和早期社会环境相互作用对田鼠配偶关系和社会联系表达的调控,2010.1.1-2012.12.31, 30970370

4.主持国家自然科学基金面上项目,首届亚太地区整合行为科学国际会议,2011.7.1-2011.9.31, 31110303星空体育

5.主持国家自然科学基金面上项目,早期社会生态因素对棕色田鼠同伴亲密行为和神经内分泌特征的影响及其调控机制,2012.1.1-2015.12.31, 31170377

6.主持国家自然科学基金面上项目,棕色田鼠父本行为的神经机制星空体育研究,2013.1.1-2017.12.31, 31372213

7.主持国家自然科学基金面上项目,社会应激对亲社会行为的影响及其神经内分泌机制,2017.1.1-2020.12.31, 31670421

8.主持国家自然科学基金面上项目,社会环境对共情行为的影响及其神经内分泌机制。2020.1.1-2013.12.31, 31970424






1. Li, LF; Yuan, W ; He, ZX ; Ma, H ; Xun, YF ; Meng, LR ; Zhu, SJ ; Wang, LM ; Zhang, J; Cai, WQ ; Zhang, XN; Guo, QQ ; Lian, ZM ; Jia, R ; Tai, FD.2020. Reduced Consolation Behaviors in Physically Stressed Mandarin Voles: Involvement of Oxytocin, Dopamine D2, and Serotonin 1A Receptors Within the Anterior Cingulate Cortex. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY. 23: 511-523

2. Guo, QQ ; Wang, LM ; Yuan, W ; Li, LF; Zhang, J ; Hou, WJ ; Yang, Y ; Zhang, XN ; Cai, WQ; Ma, H ; Xun, YF ; Jia, R ; He, ZX ; Tai, FD.2020. Different effects of chronic social defeat on social behavior and the brain CRF system in adult male C57 mice with different susceptibilities. BEHAVIOURAL BRAIN RESEARCH, 384: 112553

3. Hou, WJ ; He, ZX ; Yang, Y ; Yuan, W] ; Wang, LM ; Zhang, J ; Zhang, XN ; Cai, WQ ; Guo, QQ ; Tai, FD.2020. The involvement of oxytocin in the effects of chronic social defeat stress on emotional behaviours in adult female mandarin voles. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE,52: 2853-2872

4. Yuan, W ] ; Li, LF; Hou, WJ ; He, ZX ; Wang, LM; Zhang, J ; Yang, Y; Cai, WQ ; Guo, QQ ; Zhang, XN; Jia, R ; Lian, ZM ; Tai, FD. 2020.Preweaning Paternal Deprivation Impacts Parental Responses to Pups and Alters the Serum Oxytocin and Corticosterone Levels and Oxytocin Receptor, Vasopressin 1A Receptor, Oestrogen Receptor, Dopamine Type I Receptor, Dopamine Type II Receptor Levels in Relevant Brain Regions in Adult Mandarin Voles. NEUROENDOCRINOLOGY, 110: 292-306

5. He, ZX; Young, L ; Ma, XM ; Guo, QQ ; Wang, LM ; Yang, Y ; Luo, L ; Yuan, W ; Li, LF; Zhang, J ; Hou, WJ ; Qiao, H; Jia, R; Tai, FD. 2019] Increased anxiety and decreased sociability induced by paternal deprivation involve the PVN-PrL OTergic pathway. ELIFE, 8: e44026

6. Wang, LM ; He, ZX ; Zhu, ZX ; Yuan, W ; Cai, WQ ; Li, LF ; Zhang, J ; Hou, WJ; Yang, Y; Zhang, XN; Guo, QQ ; Wang, X ; Lian, ZM ; Tai, FD.2019.The serotonin system in the hippocampus CA3 involves in effects of CSDS on social recognition in adult female mandarin voles (Microtus mandarinus). PROGRESS IN NEURO-PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY & BIOLOGICAL PSYCHIATRY95

7. Hennessy, MB ; Tai, FD ; Carter, KA ; Watanasriyakul, WT ; Gallimore, DM; Molina, AL; Schiml, PA .2019. Central oxytocin alters cortisol and behavioral responses of guinea pig pups during isolation in a novel environment. PHYSIOLOGY & BEHAVIOR. 212

8. Feng, T; An, SC ; Kinden, R ; Zhang, X; Jia, R ; Tai, FD.2019. Alteration in oxytocin levels induced by early social environment affects maternal behavior and estrogen receptor alpha in mandarin voles (Microtus mandarinus). BEHAVIOURAL BRAIN RESEARCH365: 36-47.

9. Yuan, W; He, ZX ; Hou, WJ ; Wang, LM ; Li, LF ; Zhang, J ; Yang, Y ; Jia, R ; Qiao, H ; Tai, FD . 2019. Role of oxytocin in the medial preoptic area (MPOA) in the modulation of paternal behavior in mandarin vole. HORMONES AND BEHAVIOR, 110: 46-55

10. Wang, LM; Zhu, ZX ; Hou, WJ; Zhang, XN; He, ZX ; Yuan, W ; Yang, Y ; Zhang, SY ; Jia, R ; Tai, FD.2019. Serotonin Signaling Trough Prelimbic 5-HT1A Receptors Modulates CSDS-Induced Behavioral Changes in Adult Female Voles. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY. 22: 208-220

11. Zhang, J; He, ZX ; Wang, LM ; Yuan, W ; Li, LF ; Hou, WJ ; Yang, Y ; Guo, QQ ; Zhang, XN ; Cai, WQ ; An, SC; Tai, FD.2019. Voluntary Wheel Running Reverses Deficits in Social Behavior Induced by Chronic Social Defeat Stress in Mice: Involvement of the Dopamine System. FRONTIERS IN NEUROSCIENCE, 13: 256

12. Li, LF ; Yuan, W ; He, ZX ; Wang, LM ; Jing, XY ; Zhang, J ; Yang, Y Guo, QQ ; Zhang, XN ; Cai, WQ ; Hou, WJ ; Jia, R ; Tai, FD. 2019. Involvement of oxytocin and GABA in consolation behavior elicited by socially defeated individuals in mandarin voles. PSYCHONEUROENDOCRINOLOGY. 103: 14-24

13. He, ZX ; Guo, QQ ; Yang, Y ; Wang, LM ; Zhang, SY ; Yuan, W ; Li, LF ; Zhang, J ; Hou, WJ ; Yang, JF ; Jia, R ; Tai, FD .2018. Pre-weaning paternal deprivation impairs social recognition and alters hippocampal neurogenesis and spine density in adult mandarin voles. NEUROBIOLOGY OF LEARNING AND MEMORY, 155: 452-462

14. Wang, LM ; Hou, WJ; He, ZX ] ; Yuan, W; Yang, JF ; Yang, Y ; Jia, R ; Zhu, ZX ; Zhou, Y ; Tai, FD . 2018. Effects of chronic social defeat on social behaviors in adult female mandarin voles (Microtus mandarinus): Involvement of the oxytocin system in the nucleus accumbens. PROGRESS IN NEURO-PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY & BIOLOGICAL PSYCHIATRY. 82: 278-288

15. Yuan, W; Yang, XP ; Yu, P ; Jia, R; Tai, FD ; Wei, B ; Liu, X ; Ma, LG .2018 .Different behavioral ,neural and neuropeptide responses to their own and to alien pups in mandarin voles.JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE PHYSIOLOGY A-NEUROETHOLOGY SENSORY NEURAL AND BEHAVIORAL PHYSIOLOGY. 204: 257-269

16. Wang, B; Wang, L; Wang, K ; Tai, FD. 2018. The effects of fathering experience on paternal behaviors and levels of central expression of oxytocin and dopamine-2 type receptors in mandarin voles. PHYSIOLOGY & BEHAVIOR, 193: 35-42

17. Wu, RY ; Song, ZZ ; Tai, FD .2018. Parent-offspring cohabitation after weaning inhibits partner preference and alters central oxytocin and dopamine systems in adult mandarin vole. JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE PHYSIOLOGY A-NEUROETHOLOGY SENSORY NEURAL AND BEHAVIORAL PHYSIOLOGY, 204: 593-604

18. Wang, B ; Li, LF ; He, ZX ; Wang, LM ; Zhang, SY ; Qiao, H; Jia, R; Tai, FD. 2018. Effects of reproductive experience on paternal behavior, levels of testosterone, prolactin in serum and dendritic spines in medial prefrontal cortex of mandarin voles. INTEGRATIVE ZOOLOGY, 13: 711-722

19. He, ZX ; Hou, WJ ; Hao, X ; Dong, N ; Du, PR ; Yuan, W ; Yang, JF ; Jia, R ; Tai, FD.2017.Oxytocin receptor antagonist treatments alter levels of attachment to mothers and central dopamine activity in pre-weaning mandarin vole pups. PSYCHONEUROENDOCRINOLOGY. 84: 124-134

20. Dong, N ; Du, PR ; Hao, X ] ; He, ZX ; Hou, WJ ; Wang, LM ; Yuan, W ; Yang, JF ; Jia, R ; Tai, FD. 2017. Involvement of GABAA receptors in the regulation of social preference and emotional behaviors by oxytocin in the central amygdala of female mandarin voles. NEUROPEPTIDES, 66:8-17

21. Du, PR ; He, ZX ; Cai, ZL ; Hao, X ; Dong, N ; Yuan, W ; Hou, WJ ; Yang, JF ; Jia, R ; Tai, FD. 2017. Chronic central oxytocin infusion impairs sociability in mandarin voles. PHARMACOLOGY BIOCHEMISTRY AND BEHAVIOR. 161: 38-46

22. Fang Q Q, Wang J L & Tai F D. 2017. Effects of cocaine on aggression and associated central ERα and oxytocin expression in ovariectomized and intact mandarin voles.Italian Journal of Zoology. 2017, 84: 116–127

23. He ZX; Zhang SW; Yu CJ; Tai FD.2017. Emotional attachment of pre-weaning pups to mothers and fathers in mandarin voles. BEHAVIOURAL PROCESSES, 135: 87-94.

24. Shen CM; Wang HD; Feng ZQ; Zhu BF;Tai FD.2017. Forensic effectiveness and population differentiations study of AGCU 21+1 fluorescence multiplex in Chinese Henan Han population. Forensic science international. Genetics. 28:18-21.

25. Zhang SW; Yu CJ; Feng T; Tai FD. 2016. The effects of olfactory and sound signals from dams during prior brief isolation on levels of paternal behaviours in mandarin voles. BEHAVIOUR, 153: 209-226

26. Li Y; Song ZY; Ding YJ; Tai FD. 2016. Effects of formaldehyde exposure on anxiety-like and depression-like behavior, cognition, central levels of glucocorticoid receptor and tyrosine hydroxylase in mice. CHEMOSPHERE,144: 2004-2012

27. Yu CJ, Zhang S W, Tai FD.2016. Effects of nucleus accumbens oxytocin and its antagonist on social approach behavior. Behavioural Pharmacology. 27:672–680

28. Wu RY; Shui L; Wang SY; Tai FD. 2016. Bilobalide alleviates depression-like behavior and cognitive deficit induced by chronic unpredictable mild stress in mice.BEHAVIOURAL PHARMACOLOGY, 27(7): 596-605

29. Li YN; Lian ZM; Wang B; Tai FD. Natural variation in paternal behavior is associated with central estrogen receptor alpha and oxytocin levels.2016. JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE PHYSIOLOGY A-NEUROETHOLOGY SENSORY NEURAL AND BEHAVIORAL PHYSIOLOGY,139: 89-96

30. Kong LZ, Wu RY, Wang L, Feng WG, Cao Y, Tai FD.2015. Postpartum repeated separation from pups affects the behavior and neuroendocrine parameters of mandarin vole fathers. Physiology & Behavior, 139:89-96

31. Wang B, Li YN, Wu RY, Zhang SW, Tai FD.2015 Behavioral responses to pups in males with different reproductive experiences are associated with changes in central OT, TH and OTR, D1R, D2R mRNA expression in mandarin voles. Hormones and Behavior, 67, 73-82

32. Yu P, Zhang H, Li XB, He FQ, Tai FD. 2015. Early bi-parental separation or neonatal paternal deprivation in mandarin voles reduces adult offspring paternal behavior and alters serum corticosterone levels and neurochemistry. Hormones and Behavior, 73: 8-14

33. Yu CJ, Fang QQ, Tai FD. 2015. Pubertal BPA exposure changes ER levels in female mice. Environment Toxicology and Pharmacology,40:606-6714

34. Wu RY, Song ZZ, Wang S, Shui L,Tai FD, Qiao XF, He FQ, 2014, Early paternal deprivation alters levels of hippocampal brain-derived neurotrophic factor and glucocorticoid receptor and serum corticosterone and adrenocorticotropin in a sex-specific way in socially monogamous mandarin vole. Neuroendocrinology, 100,119-128

35. Wang L,Wei B, Wu RY, Kong LZ, Feng WG, Cao Y, Tai FD,Zhang X,2014,Neuroendocrine response to social isolation and paternal deprivation at different postnatal ages in mandarin voles. Developmental Psychobiology,56,1214-1228

36. Qiao XF, Yan YT, Tai FD, Wu RY, Hao P, Fang QQ, Zhang SW. 2014. Levels of central oxytocin and glucocorticoid receptor and serum adrenocorticotropic hormone and corticosterone in mandarin voles with different levels of sociability. Behavioural Brain Research, 274, 226-234

37. Qiao XF, Yan YT, Wu RY, Tai FD, Hao P, Cao Y, Wang JL. 2014. Sociality and oxytocin and vasopressin in the brain of male and female dominant and subordinate mandarin voles. Journal of Comparative Physiology A, 200,149-159

38. Cao Y., Wu R.Y., Tai E.D., Zhang X., Yu P., An X.L., Qiao X.F., Hao P.2014. Neonatal paternal deprivation impairs social recognition and alters levels of oxytocin and estrogen receptor α mRNA expression in the MeA and NAcc, and serum oxytocin in mandarin voles. Hormones and Behavior, 65(1), 57-65

39. Yu, P., An, S.C., Tai, F.D., Wang JL, Wu R.Y., Wang B.2013. Early social deprivation impairs pair bonding and alters serum corticosterone and the NAcc dopamine system in mandarin voles. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 38(12), 3128-3138

40. Wu RY, Song ZZ, Tai FD, An XL, Yu P, Li YN. 2013. The effect of alloparental experience and care on anxiety-like, social and parental behaviour in adult mandarin voles. Animal Behaviour, 85(1): 61-69

41. Yu CJ, Tai FD, Zeng SY, Zhang X. 2013. Effects of perinatal daidzein exposure on subsequent behavior and central estrogen receptor α expression in the adult male mouse. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry, 43:157-167

42. Wei B, Tai FD, Liu X, Ma LG, Yang XP, Jia R, Zhang X. 2013.Neonatal tactile stimulation alleviates the negative effects of neonatal isolation on novel object recognition, sociability and neuroendocrine levels in male adult mandarin voles (Microtus mandarinus).Physiology & Behavior, 112-113:14-22

43. Liu X, Wu RY, Tai FD, Ma LG, Wei B, Yang XP, Zhang X, Jia R. 2013. Effects of group housing on stress induced emotional and neuroendocrine alterations. Brain Research,1502:71-80

44. Yu P, An SC, Tai FD, Zhang X, He FQ, Wang JL, An XL, Wu RY. 2012. The effects of neonatal paternal deprivation on pair bonding, NAcc dopamine receptor mRNA expression and serum corticosterone in mandarin voles. Hormones and Behavior, 61(5):669-677

45. Wang JL, Tai FD, Yu P, Wu RY. 2012. Reinforcing properties of pups versus cocaine for fathers and associated central expression of Fos and tyrosine hydroxylase in mandarin voles (Microtus mandarinus). Behavioural Brain Research, 230(1): 149-157

46. Wang JL, Tai FD, 2012. Effects of different periods of postweaning separation on father-son interaction and recognition in mandarin voles. Ethology Ecology and Evolution.24(2):117-126

47. Wang JL, Wang HC,Tai FD. 2012. Effects of Tripterygium wilfordii multiglycosides on sex hormones and receptors in mandarin vole Leydig cells. Animal Biology 62 (2012) 217–229

48. He FQ, Tai FD, Zhang YH, Zhang X, 2012. The relationship between aggressive behavior and serum sex hormone levels and sex hormone receptor in the aggression-related brain regions in the different period castrated mandarin voles. J Comp Physiol A, 198(5):347-362

49. Wang JL,Tai FD, 2012. Cocaine-induced rewarding properties, behavioral sensitization and alteration in social behaviors in group-housed and post-puberty isolated female mandarin voles. Behavioral Pharmacology, 23(7):693-702

50. Yu P, Wang JL, Tai FD, Broders H, An SC, Zhang X, He FQ, An XL, Wu RY. 2011. The effects of repeated early deprivation on ultrasonic vocalizations and ontogenetic development in mandarin vole pups. Behavioural Processes, 88(3): 162-167

51. Jia R, Tai FD, An SC, Zhang X.2011. Neonatal paternal deprivation or early deprivation reduces adult parental behavior and central estrogen receptor α expression in mandarin voles (Microtus mandarinus). Behavioural Brain Research, 224(2):279-289

52. Yu CJ, Tai FD, Song ZZ, Wu RY, Zhang X, He FQ. 2011. Pubertal exposure to bisphenol A disrupts behavior in adult C57BL/6J mice. Environ Toxicol Phar, 31(1): 88-99

53. Wu RY, Yuan AF, Yuan QW, Guo R, Tai FD, Song ZZ,Yu CJ. 2011. Comparison of sociability, parental care and central estrogen receptor alpha expression between two populations of mandarin voles (Microtus mandarinus). J Comp Physiol A, 197: 267-277

54. Guo R, Liang N, Tai FD, Wu RY, Chang G, He FQi, Yuan QW. 2011. Differences in Spatial Learning and Memory for Male and Female Mandarin Voles (Microtus mandarinus) and BALB/c Mice. Zool Stud, 50(1): 24-30

55. An XL, Zou JX, Wu RY, Yang Y, Tai FD, Zeng SY, Jia R, Zhang X, Liu EQ, Broders H. 2011. Strain and Sex Differences in Anxiety-Like and Social Behaviors in C57BL/6J and BALB/cJ Mice. Exp Anim Tokyo,60(2) 111-123


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